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GMRPTC Update: Coming soon – a new sign!

Anyone who has received a Legacy grant would have to agree that the Legacy logo (posting the sign is a requirement of receiving a Legacy grant) is extremely well done and makes a great impression. The colorful logo represents the four funds in a playful but thoughtful way and is likely well remembered by all who see it. For some time, the Greater Minnesota Regional Parks and Trails Commission (GMRPTC) has been discussing the need to make the GRMPTC logo a part of the landscape for parks and trails receiving Greater Minnesota Legacy funds. Happily, that day is nearly here.

Business Member Highlight: St. Croix Recreation

St. Croix Recreation is a family-owned business that has been selling playground and park supplies in the state of Minnesota for over 40 years. We are consultants who provide friendly, honest customer service and advice on constructing parks and playgrounds in Minnesota. The majority of our manufacturers are located in America’s heartland—the Midwest—with our commercial playground equipment coming from our neighbor, Wisconsin.

RECAP: February forum offers updates and advice for DNR grants

GMPT’s February forum had a great turnout, with over 40 people joining us to learn more about the DNR grants program. Grant Coordinators Sarah Wennerberg and Jennifer Bubke introduced themselves and provided a comprehensive overview of the Parks and Trails grants offered within their grants divisions. The presentation touched on the details of each grant, explaining eligibility criteria, funding ranges, matching fund requirements, and funding sources. 

Legislative Update

Almost a month into session, the activity is gaining speed. This session, GMPT has several priorities...

From the Chair: GMPT’s goals for 2024

This past month was marked with many things: President’s Day, Black History Month, Valentine’s Day, and the start of the 2024 Legislative Session. As things get underway, we have seen and heard some indications that this session will be less packed with new legislation. As House Speaker Melissa Hortman (DFL-Brooklyn Park) commented, “Like a snake eating a hedgehog, for a while that snake doesn’t eat.” It will take a while for all the 2023 investments to get into and impact the system.