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ACTION ALERT – Urge Governor Walz & Lt. Governor Flanagan to support funding for local parks & trails grant programs!

ACTION ALERT – Urge Governor Walz & Lt. Governor Flanagan to support funding for local parks & trails grant programs!

Governor Walz, Lieutenant Governor Flanagan and their staff are putting the final touches on the governor’s bonding bill before the holidays, and we hope that it includes $4 million in bonding for the DNR’s local parks and trails grant programs. We need all of our members help to ensure that the governor includes this request in his proposal – so will you please take a few moments to send an email to the Governor and Lieutenant Governor? We know that supporting kids and families will be an important component of the governor’s bill and what better way to support kids than to support parks and trails?

Please contact:

  • Governor Tim Walz and Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan by using the contact form on their website.
  • Please send a copy of that message (you will have to copy-and-paste from the contact form into a new email) to GMPT’s lobbyist, Elizabeth Wefel, at Elizabeth will compile the emails and share them with the governor’s staff members who work on bonding issues.

Your message:

  • Ask Governor Walz and Lieutenant Governor Flanagan to include $4 million in bonding for the DNR’s local parks and trails grant programs under Minnesota Statute 85.019.
  • Explain that these programs provide essential matching funds for local parks and trails that are not eligible for Legacy grants.
  • Mention that getting children and families outside and into parks and trails fosters lifelong wellness and appreciation for the outdoors.
  • Give examples of how these types of grant programs could benefit children and families in your community by enhancing your local parks and trails.

Any questions?

Contact Elizabeth Wefel at