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Business Member Highlight: HKGi

Below is information provided by Eric Blodgett, marketing director for HKGi.

HKGi is a small planning and landscape architecture firm specializing in community planning and design services for clients across Minnesota. Since HKGi’s establishment in 1982, parks and recreation planning and design has been at the heart of our practice. For many of us, a love of the outdoors and the positive experiences that parks and trails have brought to our lives have led us to this profession. That passion and a desire to be of service to our clients continues to motivate us today. We use the lessons we’ve learned to help clients find the right mix of development, maintenance, and implementation strategies for their unique communities.

Our staff members have been involved in all phases of park planning and design, from comprehensive park and recreation system planning through master planning to final design, construction, and ribbon cutting.  As recognition of the benefits of well-designed parks, trails, and recreation systems grows, so too does our commitment to providing innovative service. Our portfolio includes a growing list of park and trail planning in greater Minnesota, including master plans that have helped secure regional designations and nearly $7 million in state grants. Examples of our work include:

  • He Mni Can-Barn Bluff Park Master Plan in Red Wing: We worked with community members, city staff, and tribal leaders to create a plan that respects this park’s rich cultural heritage and restores the park’s extraordinary natural trails and landscape.
  • Oxbow Park Master Plan and Nature Center Site Design in Olmsted County: We are currently leading a design team for a new nature center visitor’s facility. Previous planning secured more than $2 million in grant funding from the GMRPTC.
  • Red River Corridor Master Plan in Moorhead: This plan has helped the community address floodplain-land use conflicts and reconnect Moorhead with the Red River as a recreational and cultural amenity.
  • Hok-Si-La Park Master Plan in Lake City: Master planning for this popular municipal park and campground on the Mississippi River focuses on restoring the park’s natural resources and preserving the park’s peaceful environment.
  • Byllesby Park Master Plan in Goodhue County: Our team designed a customized engagement and planning process to realize budget efficiencies in master planning for this park on the shore of Lake Byllesby and the Cannon River. The plan helped secured $1.35 million in GMRPTC grant funding.
  • River’s Edge Commons in Elk River: This popular downtown riverfront amphitheater has become THE PLACE TO BE on summer nights. Kids especially love the interactive fountain! We provided design and construction administration services for the park.
  • St. Louis River Corridor Park and Trail Planning in Duluth: This corridor is home to amazing trails and is the heart of outdoor recreation in west Duluth. Our work includes neighborhood parks planning, trail system master planning, and an award-winning National Water Trail Master Plan.
  • Munger Trail Spur Plan and Feasibility Study in Proctor and Hermantown: This project, which has received $820K in GMRPTC funding, will provide these two communities with better access to one of the state’s most popular trails.

GMPT is proud to have several businesses and corporations among our more than 125 members. We periodically feature articles on our business members in our monthly newsletter so that our readers can learn about the businesses that support our organization. You can see the full list of our business members on the Business Resources page on our website. If you know of any businesses that might be interested in joining GMPT, please refer them to our Business Membership Form.