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GMRPTC Update: So much good news!

Below is a message from GMRPTC Executive Director Renee Mattson. You can reach her at Grant funds at work!The GMRPTC…

GMRPTC Update: Coming soon – a new sign!

Anyone who has received a Legacy grant would have to agree that the Legacy logo (posting the sign is a requirement of receiving a Legacy grant) is extremely well done and makes a great impression. The colorful logo represents the four funds in a playful but thoughtful way and is likely well remembered by all who see it. For some time, the Greater Minnesota Regional Parks and Trails Commission (GMRPTC) has been discussing the need to make the GRMPTC logo a part of the landscape for parks and trails receiving Greater Minnesota Legacy funds. Happily, that day is nearly here.

GMRPTC Update: DNR & SHPO staff answer questions about FY25 grants

On January 23rd, the GMRPTC hosted a grant meeting that was mandatory for FY25 grantees but was also open to all who were interested in learning more about the grant process. The meeting was an opportunity to hear from the DNR Grant Managers—Jenni Bubke and Sarah Wennerberg—as well as SHPO staff members Environmental Review Specialist Kelly Gragg-Johnson and Environmental Review Archaeologist Lucy Harrington.