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Congratulations to FY2024 Legacy Funding Designees!

Below is a message from Greater Minnesota Regional Parks & Trails Commission (GMRPTC) Executive Director Renee Mattson. You can reach her at

On October 26, Commissioners gathered in Mankato for a final review of the FY24 funding applications and made their recommendation to the Minnesota Legislature.
Of the 17 qualified applications, Commissioners recommended full funding for 14 applications. The recommendations represent projects in all six districts, from the very top of the state in Lake of the Woods, the Northwest Angle, the far southern part of Minnesota, and many cities and counties in between.
It’s important to note that since 2015, with Legacy grants, Greater Minnesota has funded more than $72 million in projects, with community investments of almost $26 million. This comes to a total of nearly $100 million for improvements in parks, trails, and programs connecting people with the outdoors! These numbers are simply staggering and, of course, would not be possible without the Clean Water Land and Legacy Amendment.

Pictured above (from left to right): Duluth Waabizheshikana/The Marten Trail; Northwest Angle Buoy; Stearns County Quarry Park & Nature Preserve.

Fiscal Year 2024 Greater Minnesota Legacy Funding Recommendations

Duluth Waabizheshikana/The Marten Trail$1,493,4341
Cook County Mountain Bike Trail System$400,0001
Mesabi Trail$750,0001
Northerly Park – Northwest Angle$70,0002
Detroit Mountain Recreation Area$1,325,9413
Otter Tail County Phelps Mill County Park$366,0003
Great River Park Complex$797,5554
Isanti County Springvale Park$366,8004
Stearns County Kraemer Lake Wildwood County Park$1,175,8464
Stearns County Quarry Park & Nature Preserve$170,2504
Redwood County Plum Creek Park$818,5395
Sibley County Henderson Scenic Byway Regional Trail$1,394,4005
Austin Jay C. Hormel Nature Center$250,0005
Olmsted County Oxbow Park and Zollman Zoo$2,050,0006

Project Descriptions

Check out the highlights below for more information on each exciting project recommended for legacy grant funding:

The GMRPTC forwards its recommendations to the Minnesota Legislature for approval through the Parks and Trails Legacy Fund, which will be take place during the upcoming legislative session.

For more information on these projects and the Greater MN Regional Parks & Trails Commission, visit