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DNR commissioner to hold monthly office hours

Since the pandemic has prevented many opportunities for in-person meetings or events, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is offering online “Commissioners’ Office Hours” in an effort to fill this gap.

Commissioners’ Office Hours is a monthly, one-hour event hosted via WebEx. Everyone is invited and each month features a topic. The format of the conversation is informal. The sessions begin with a brief statement by the Commissioner, then move on to an open forum for participants to ask questions and engage in dialogue.

Here are the Commissioners’ Office Hours scheduled through April 2022:

  • February 24, 3:30-4:30 p.m.
    • Topic: Investing in Minnesota’s Outdoor Resources Project Update
  • March 23, 1:30-2:30 p.m. CST
    • Topic: The importance of Volunteers and Opportunities at the DNR
  • April 21, 3:30-4:30 p.m. CST
    • Topic: TBD

To join each event, you must click the appropriate link (see below) and register for the event. Once registered you will receive a follow-up email that will finalize your registration. For more information or if you have any technical difficulties, please email Randolph Briley.

February office hours (link is external)
Dial-in option: 415-655-0003
Dial-in Access Code: 2480 953 9046
Password: SessionTen

March office hours (link is external)
Dial-in option: 415-655-0003
Dial-in Access Code: 2491 125 7684
Password: SessionEleven

April office hours (link is external)
Dial-in option: 415-655-0003
Dial-in Access Code: 2490 433 7535
Password: SessionTwelve