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Fiscal Year 2025 funding application open

Below is a message from GMRPTC Executive Director Renee Mattson. You can reach her at

The GMRPTC online portal to submit applications for FY2025 Legacy grants opened on April 3 and will remain open for applications until July 31 at 11:59pm.

Facilities and trails designated as regionally significant are eligible to apply for Greater Minnesota Legacy grants. Though the final granting amount will not be determined until the Legislature has completed its work, we anticipate that a minimum of $14 million will be available. At the March 22 meeting, Commissioners approved several changes to the granting process and eligibility:

  • Archeological Survey, Phase I and II Environmental or other SHPO or state review, and Tribal Historic Preservation Office collaboration projects are now eligible as a stand-alone, pre-development Environmental Project application. A minimum 20% match is required, with a maximum grant request of $50,000. All other contract restrictions apply.
  • Contingency funds are now allowable in project budgets up to 10% of development costs. The contingency must be included in the local match and will not be funded by Legacy dollars. If the project does not use all or part of the contingency, funds must still be spent under the grant contract as mutually agreed to by the applicant and GMRPTC.
  • All infrastructure or physical development projects must have a minimum of a $25,000 grant request. CPO or Environmental Review projects may be less.

These granting changes were made based on feedback from previous year’s applicants and changes to the Commission’s goals. As always, we encourage applicants to contact System Plan Coordinator Joe Czapiewski at or myself to talk about a potential application. We’re here to help through the process!