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GMPT urges support for parks & trails grant programs

A top priority for our organization is to support legislative appropriations of funding for local parks and trails grant programs. One important route for making that happen is through the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund.  The Legislative-Citizens Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR) makes recommendations on how the trust fund should be allocated. Late last month, GMPT reached out to LCCMR members through a letter and asked them to include funding for the Department of Natural Resources local grant programs in their recommendations. We’ll learn sometime this fall whether the programs are included in the LCCMR’s final recommendation list.

DNR local grant programs, such as the Outdoor Recreation Program and the Local Trail Connections Program, are important funding sources for many of our members. If you have received funding from these programs over the last several years, please let us know. We may feature you in our efforts to promote these programs in the future. Contact us at to share your story.