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GMRPTC Update: Additional grant opportunity!

Below is a message from GMRPTC Executive Director Renee Mattson. You can reach her at

It is with GREAT excitement that we can announce there will be a second Greater Minnesota Legacy grant application cycle, with immediate availability for Fiscal Year 2025 funds. The funds will be available on July 1, 2024, and may be spent as soon as a fully executed contract is in place.

A bill to make the surplus Legacy funds available now—rather than waiting until next year—was a session success, thanks to the hard work and determination of Elizabeth Wefel. Those dollars, along with unspent grant funds and a recapture of some of the 2.5% fee the DNR charges to administer our grants, amount to $2,478,265 for the second round!

This new grant round will open on Monday, August 5, and close on Friday, September 6, with grant awards announced on September 26. It’s a short turnaround time, and if you have an acquisition, a project with unexpected cost overruns, or a fabulous Connecting People with the Outdoors project, this is likely the avenue you want to explore.

We have also made an important change to the Environmental and Archeological Review grant. Starting on July 1, this grant opportunity will be available on a rolling basis, with no set application timeline. There is $100,000 available annually, with a maximum award of $50,000 and a required 20% match. Distribution of funds in this manner ensures competitive grants will be available as needed, up to the annual $100,000 set aside, which will be renewed each year on July 1.

The GMRPTC strives to meet the changing needs and challenges faced by our designated facilities. Commissioners take your feedback and suggestions seriously, as illustrated by the exciting new granting opportunities described above.

We recognize there will be questions about project eligibility and how these grant funds will be deployed. Please reach out to Joe and Renee or your District Commissioner for more information and conversation.