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GMRPTC Update: Fiscal Year 2026 funding application is now open!

Below is a message from GMRPTC Executive Director Renee Mattson. You can reach her at

The application portal for FY26 Legacy grants from the Greater Minnesota Regional Parks and Trails Commission (GMRPTC) opened on April 1 and will remain open for applications until July 31 at 11:59pm.

Parks, trails, and special features that have been designated as regionally significant are eligible to apply for Greater Minnesota Legacy grants. Though the final granting amount will not be determined until fall, we anticipate that a conservative estimate of $12 million will be available.

Parks, trails, and special features that have been designated as regionally significant are eligible to apply for Greater Minnesota Legacy grants. Though the final granting amount will not be determined until fall, we anticipate that a conservative estimate of $12 million will be available.

It’s important to review the documents in the Application Toolbox to ensure you have the most up-to-date information about the 2024 application process. Even if you have previously applied, be sure you have the most current Funding Resolution and are informed about changes to the Guidelines and Criteria.

Commissioners have approved changes to eligible funding components and added monument signs to the list of eligible projects, which also include traditional playground features and naturescape playgrounds. We’ve also changed the way the local match is reported in the budget worksheet, simplifying the accounting.

Remember, Connecting People with the Outdoors (CPO) grants are encouraged and may be submitted as part of a larger project. Think about ways to enhance accessibility and develop creative programming or partnerships with other designated facilities to purchase and share equipment.  

As always, we encourage applicants to contact System Plan Coordinator Joe Czapiewski ( or me to discuss an application prior to the submission. We’re here to help you through the process, and we always enjoy hearing about potential projects!