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Help advance our legislative priorities!

Tomorrow,  the Minnesota Legislature will begin its 2018 Legislative Session. The Greater Minnesota Parks & Trails organization has several key goals for this session, including increasing the amount of money appropriated to the various local parks and trails grants programs administered by the Department of Natural Resources. The Legislative-Citizens Commission on Minnesota Resources has recommended that $2 million be dedicated to these programs from the Environmental and Natural Resources Trust Fund. In addition, the GMPT introduced a bill last year seeking $2.5 million in bonding for both the Local Trails Connection Grant Program and the Outdoor Recreation Grant Program.

We would like your help as we move this forward and have three simple requests:

  • Adopt a resolution from your local government or governing board supporting these legislative requests (and be sure to send us a copy at once you do). Here is a sample resolution to help serve as a guide as you draft your own.
  • Ask your legislator to support these requests (tell them to support bill S.F. 689/H.F. 1270)
  • Join us in Saint Paul on March 21 for GMPT’s Legislative Action Day. You can register for that day here.

Thank you for all you do to support parks and trails in your community and throughout the state. If you have any questions, our lobbyist, Elizabeth Wefel at