Wondering how to get the most out of your next ecological restoration project? The University…
Join us for upcoming GMPT forums
Mark your calendar for our next two GMPT forums! These online forums are a great chance to connect with other parks and trails professionals to discuss issues and share ideas.
September GMPT Forum – Winter Recreation and Programming
Winter is fast approaching in the minds of parks and trails professionals. This forum will explore what our members are seeing ni new and emerging trends and provide an opportunity to share ideas and plans for Minnesota’s longest season.
Date & Time: Thursday, Sept. 23 at 2 p.m.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89147061278?pwd=Tmxid25ZRmptU1lXQThSdmhVcDJpdz09
Meeting ID: 891 4706 1278
Passcode: 039628
One tap mobile
- +13126266799,,89147061278#,,,,*039628# US (Chicago)
- +16465588656,,89147061278#,,,,*039628# US (New York)
Or dial by location — find your local number at https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbAbQB4EL6
October GMPT Forum – Park Fees and User Groups
It’s time to talk about entrance fees, user group fees, event fees — or maybe you advocate for no fees at all! Having a better understanding of what others are doing around the state can help make your fee justifications much easier for the leaders of your organization as well as visitors. To fee or not to fee, that is the question!
Date & Time: Thursday, Oct. 21 at 10 a.m.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82626953822?pwd=M1pOYTREUEdIMm45bFBSU25QMG1Bdz09
Meeting ID: 826 2695 3822
Passcode: 403219
One tap mobile:
- +13126266799,,82626953822#,,,,*403219# US (Chicago)
- +16465588656,,82626953822#,,,,*403219# US (New York)
Or dial by location – find your local number at https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcs3wjbcso.