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LCCMR considering request for additional local parks & trails grant funding

The Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR) is a state committee comprised of 17 members, some  of whom are elected officials and some appointed citizens. LCCMR makes recommendations on how to spend money in the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund, which receives funding from the Minnesota State Lottery.

This year, 217 proposals were submitted with a total funding request of $183 million. Approximately $45.7 million is available from the fund.

After much urging from Greater Minnesota & Parks Trails (GMPT) and our members, the Department of Natural Resources submitted a request for  $3 million in LCCMR funding for three local park and trail grant programs: Outdoor Recreation Grants, Natural and Scenic Area Grants, and Local Trail Connections Grants. These programs are a high priority the GMPT because they are among the few state sources that local parks and trails can access.

The LCCMR will begin to winnow down the funding proposals in September. It will select 60 proposals to bring in for presentations. LCCMR members will rank their favorites starting Sept. 7.

The GMPT sent a letter to all LCCMR Members urging them to support the DNR’s request for funding for the local parks and trails grant  programs. You can review a copy of the letter here.

Greater Minnesota legislators who serve on the LCCMR are Sen. Gary Dahms (R-Redwood Falls), Sen. Bill Ingebrigtsen (R-Alexandria), Sen. Torrey Westrom (R-Elobw Lake), Sen. David Tomassoni (DFL-Chisholm), Rep. Rob Ecklund (DFL-International Falls) and Rep. Josh Heintzeman (R-Nisswa). If you live in a district represented by one of these legislators,  we encourage you to contact them and ask that they support the funding request. Their contact information is available here.