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LCCMR seeks projects for $59M in funding

The Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR) is accepting proposals for projects to receive funding from the Environmental and Natural Resources Trust Fund. Approximately $59 million will be available in FY 2019. Projects should fall into one of the following categories:

  1. Foundational Natural Resources Data and Information
  2. Water Resources
  3. Environmental Education
  4. Aquatic and Terrestrial Invasive Species
  5. Air Quality, Climate Change and Renewable Energy
  6. Methods to Protect or Restore Land, Water and Habitat
  7. Land Acquisition, Habitat and Recreation

Although projects can be of any size, the LCCMR has a new focus on proposals for projects under $200,000 from local units of government that will quickly and efficiently provide environmental and natural resources benefits in the state.

For information on how to submit a proposal, please check out this RFP.  You can learn more about the projects that were selected for funding last year here.