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Looking on the bright side: What are the positives of COVID-19?

With parks being at the forefront of essential places during the COVID-19 pandemic, there have certainly been challenges. Many of us have made a variety of changes to our amenities and how to provide the best options, programming and information to keep our parks providing the necessary services for social distancing, physical activity, and mental well-being. The great outdoors is more in demand than ever before! By nature, parks and trails staff are known to be ready for any kind of weather and think outside the box to get things done. This current crisis is no different.

So what are some of the positive things that have come out of social distancing? We have seen many great efforts around the state to keep folks engaged and promote the use of parks and trails. We want to hear your ideas and work together to share the things that are going well for you and your parks and trails. Many of us have found new, and maybe even better, ways of educating and promoting opportunities.

Here are a few examples of some wonderful things happening around the state to enrich the lives of Minnesotans:

  • Environmental education classes and craft videos posted online that people can do at home.
    • As we look to the future, maybe it will become more prevalent to provide programming to people of all ages, abilities, and social backgrounds. Programming will no longer be just for those that can show up to the parks on a certain day and time.
  • Use of social media to inform and engage the public is greatly increasing.
    • Maybe this even challenged some to finally hop on the social media wave!
  • Virtual challenges such as a 5k races are starting.
  • Increased networking among professionals across the state.
  • Increased public and political realization of just how important local parks and trails are to the community.

GMPT would like to help you highlight the wonderful things that are happening across the state. Please reach out to us if you want to share your ideas, further promote your social media posts/activities, or would like to write an article for upcoming newsletters to highlight some of the positive side effects of a very challenging time. You can email us at and find us on social media at:

Thank you for continuing to be a breath of fresh air for your visitors!