Age-Friendly Minnesota recently released “A Field Scan of Older Adults and Nature in Minnesota” outlining needs…
Mark your calendar for our next online forums!
Mark your calendar for two GMPT online forums in January! The forums are a great chance to connect with other parks and trails professionals to discuss issues and share ideas.
Jan. 27 – E-bikes
E-bikes are a hot topic, and there are a lot of changes and questions surrounding new state laws. Many parks and trails are also trying to navigate the increase in activity and accommodations for the emerging sport. Joining the conversation will be members of People for Bikes and key individuals who helped rewrite the state law and can be of help with the details of the law and the big picture of what is going on with e-bikes.
Date & Time: Thursday, Jan. 27 at 2 p.m.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 820 4141 3628
Passcode: 727540
Or dial by your location; find your local number:
March 3 – Park fees
It’s time to talk about entrance fees, user group fees, event fees — or maybe you advocate for no fees at all!
Join us Thursday, March 3 for our monthly GMPT online forum to discuss the topic of park fees and user groups with your fellow parks and recreation professionals. Having a better understanding of what others are doing around the state can help make your fee justifications much easier for the leaders of your organization as well as visitors. To fee or not to fee, that is the question!
Date & Time: 1 p.m. on Thursday, March 3
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 825 2207 0827