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Membership meeting tomorrow!

This Wednesday, Greater Minnesota Parks and Trails (GMPT) will be hosting a membership meeting via interactive television. Please join us at one of seven locations across the state at 9:30 a.m. on July 17 for the meeting. All of the locations will be joined together by Interactive Discussion.

At the meeting, members will receive an update on what we accomplished this legislative session and what to expect next session, a presentation on “Prescription for Parks,” park highlights from your fellow members, and an update from the Greater Minnesota Regional Parks and Trails Commission. Here are the meeting materials:

We’re expecting GMPT Board members and Commission members at most locations, and after the ITV portion, there will be opportunities to ask questions and network with others in your area. Please join us!

Please take a moment to reply to this RSVP for the meeting to let us know if you plan on attending and which location you will be joining us at. If you have any questions, email us at