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Parks and Trails Legacy Advisory Committee seeks applicants
The Department of Natural Resources, Metropolitan Council and Greater Minnesota Regional Parks and Trails Commission are seeking qualified applicants to serve on the Parks and Trails Legacy Advisory Committee.
The mission of the Parks and Trails Legacy Advisory Committee is to “champion the 25-year Parks and Trails Legacy Plan by providing recommendations to enhance promotion, coordination, and accountability throughout implementation of the plan.” More information about the committee, as well as a copy of the Legacy Plan, can be found on the committee’s website.
“The Parks and Trails Legacy Advisory Committee plays a critical role in helping us achieve the vision Minnesotans have for use of Legacy funds,” said DNR Commissioner Sarah Strommen. “Recently, committee members helped engage thousands of visitors to the DNR building at the Minnesota State Fair about how Legacy funds have supported state and regional parks and trails throughout Minnesota.”
At least six seats on the 17-member committee are open for 2020. The deadline for application is Friday, Dec. 13.
Among the expertise and perspective desired for committee members are backgrounds in youth programs, natural resource and outdoor skills building education, resource management, marketing, new technology, tourism, and business.
Terms are two years with the option of being reappointed for a maximum of three terms. The committee meets every two months around the state, with an option to attend remotely. Meetings often include tours of state and regional parks and trails and provide opportunities to learn first-hand about projects and programs supported by the Parks and Trails Legacy Fund.
Interested individuals may complete the application form online on the Legacy Funds website or print it out and return it to Darin Newman, Department of Natural Resources, Box 39, 500 Lafayette Road, St. Paul, MN 55155. Anyone with questions can contact Darin by phone at 651-259-5611 or email at darin.newman@state.mn.us.