Wondering how to get the most out of your next ecological restoration project? The University…
GMPT forum! Share ideas on how to establish policies related to dedications, special events and other issues
Please join Gina Hugo and the GMPT communications committee for another great forum topic. On July 7, we will share insights and ideas for developing policies related to dedications, memorials, special events and other issues. If you have been thinking you may need to implement various policies in your parks or trails, this is the forum for you! Networking and collaboration are what these forums are all about, so those who have experience in these topics are invited to come and share your insights.
GMPT forum details:
Topic: Policies: Dedications, memorials and special events
Date & Time: Wednesday, July 7 at 11 a.m.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82659670366?pwd=Tk9zdWtHS3pKdTlNa2d1Znk4aXd2UT09
Meeting ID: 826 5967 0366
Passcode: 689603
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- +16465588656,,82659670366#,,,,*689603# US (New York)
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