Age-Friendly Minnesota recently released “A Field Scan of Older Adults and Nature in Minnesota” outlining needs…
RECAP: April forum featured accessibility tips & tricks
GMPT’s April forum once again hit on another great topic important to our members—improving accessibility in parks and trails. The forum’s featured guest speaker Mike Lehrke—a volunteer advocate for Birdability—covered issues and potential solutions for mobility challenges. Mike was a great resource, explaining easy fixes and how to plan for accessibility improvements in the future. From finding the proper substrate to ensuring your trails have a small amount of curbing and zero drop-offs, there are minor changes you can make to your design plans to significantly increase the ease of mobility. Mike has offered to help put together a resource list for other consultants around the state that members can use as a helpful guide when addressing accessibility challenges in their regions.
GMPT will make an announcement and post the guide on the website when it becomes available. The group recognized that there are also many accessibility challenges related to sight and sensory. Unfortunately, there was little time to discuss those issues. The GMPT communications team plans to reach out to experts in those areas and host a follow-up forum on sight and sensory accessibility. This is an important topic that definitely deserves more than one forum! Thank you to all that attended, and we look forward to seeing you at future forums.