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RECAP: February forum offers updates and advice for DNR grants

GMPT’s February forum had a great turnout, with over 40 people joining us to learn more about the DNR grants program. Grant Coordinators Sarah Wennerberg and Jennifer Bubke introduced themselves and provided a comprehensive overview of the Parks and Trails grants offered within their grants divisions. The presentation touched on the details of each grant, explaining eligibility criteria, funding ranges, matching fund requirements, and funding sources. 

As always, they suggest getting to know your grant coordinators and contacting them early on to help you through the process and ensure a smooth grant application submission. Meeting Sarah and Jennifer during the forum was a great first step in building a relationship with our coordinators and familiarizing ourselves with their expectations. 

Thank you to all who attended the forum today and helped to make another collaborative and informative networking opportunity.

If you missed the forum but are interested in this topic, visit the Past Forums page on the GMPT website or view the PowerPoint presentation to catch up on the conversations. The GMPT forums are wonderful platforms to share valuable information, so be sure to stay tuned to upcoming events and mark your calendars! For any questions, please contact