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Support SF 688

We’re happy to announce that SF 688, the GMPT-backed bill to appropriate $1 million to the Local Trail Connections Program and the Outdoor Recreation Program, is scheduled for a hearing in the Environment and Natural Resources Policy and Legacy Finance Committee on Wednesday. Feb. 22. This hearing is an important first step on the path toward passing the bill.

To help advance SF 688 to the next level, we need our members’ support. If you have a moment, please send an email to Sen. Carrie Ruud (R-Breezy Point) and thank her for carrying the bill. We also need your help reaching out to committee members. Please call or email them and ask them to support SF 688. This is particularly important if any of the members of the committee represent your district. When you contact them, remember to identify yourself and let them know how important these programs are to your community, region and state. And be sure to thank them for their support.

For more information about this bill and why local parks and trails are important, please read this informational handout.