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Take Action – Ask DNR leaders to support funding for local parks and trails grant programs!

The Greater Minnesota Parks and Trails (GMPT) organization is advocating for more money for local parks & trails grant programs, specifically the Outdoor Recreation Grant Program and the Local Trails Connection Program. In addition introducing legislation, we have been urging the DNR to include a request for money for these programs in its spring applications to the Legislative Citizen-Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR). The LCCMR makes recommendations on how to spend the Environmental and Natural Resources Trust Fund.

We have learned that some staff members at the DNR are considering making this request, but ultimately executive leadership makes the final decision. The GMPT sent a letter to the DNR requesting their support, a copy of which can be found here.

We are now asking our members to reach out as well — tell the DNR that there is support for local parks and trails grant programs and a desire to increase funding through a grant from the LCCMR!

Please send an email or letter to DNR Commissioner Tom Landwehr and Assistant Commissioner Sarah Strommen, with a copy to Erika Rivers, and ask them to support local parks and trails grant programs by seeking an LCCMR grant.

Here are some points you may want to include in your message (feel free to put them in your own words):

  • I’m writing to ask the DNR to make a request to the LCCMR to recommend Environmental and Natural Resources Trust Fund money be allocated to the Outdoor Recreation and Local Trail Connections grant programs.
  • Parks and trails are vital to Minnesota, contributing to our economy and the health and well-being of our citizens. Local parks and trails provide opportunities for all citizens, many of whom do not have access to state or regional parks and trails on a regular basis.
  • The Outdoor Recreation and Local Trail Connection grant programs provide matching funds to cities and counties across the state that aren’t covered by Legacy funding. It is the only state grant program available for many Greater Minnesota projects.
  • Funding for these grant programs is running low and demand is high.
  • [Provide specific examples of how these programs have benefited or could benefit your community by mentioning past funding you have received or a project you’d like to propose]

Contact info:

Commissioner Tom Landwehr
Natural Resources Dept
Box 37
500 Lafayette Rd
St Paul, MN 55155-4037

Assistant Commissioner Sarah Strommen
Natural Resources Dept
Box 37
500 Lafayette Rd
St. Paul, MN 55155-4037

Erika Rivers
Natural Resources Dept
Box 39
500 Lafayette Rd
St. Paul, MN 55155-4039

In addition, please send a blind copy to Elizabeth at