Wondering how to get the most out of your next ecological restoration project? The University…
Our virtual annual meeting is this Wednesday!
Greater Minnesota Parks & Trails’ annual membership meeting is coming up this week on Wednesday, Oct. 20. This virtual meeting allows all members to be a part of important business such as voting on your board members and legislative platforms. Guest speakers will include Chao Mwatela from Rochester, speaking on diversity, equity and inclusion in parks; Tim Engrav from USDA Forest Services talking about the impacts of COVID-19 and the Greenwood Fire; and an update from Renee Mattson, executive director of the Greater Minnesota Regional Parks & Trails Commission. See the full meeting agenda here.
This is a great opportunity to meet colleagues and business members from around the state and enhance your collaboration with our organization. It is also a perfect time to voice concerns and long-term goals for legislative issues and help form the mission of our legislative stance moving forward.
GMPT Annual Meeting
Date & Time: Wednesday, Oct. 20 at 9:30 a.m.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83163747578?pwd=M3IzUmxrb0ltMlRRUGwzUlJ6TndyUT09
Meeting ID: 831 6374 7578
Passcode: 771192
Or dial by your location — find your local number at https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbBLFo57U5
Reminder: Business members invited to submit videos or speak at meeting
Our business members play an important role in helping the GMPT thrive. To show our appreciation, we invite our business members to submit a pre-recorded 3-minute presentation to show during the annual meeting, or if you prefer, business members may speak in person for 2 minutes during the meeting. We encourage you to use this opportunity to introduce your organization to our membership of city and county parks personnel.
If you would like to participate, let us know ASAP by contacting Elizabeth Wefel at eawefel@flaherty-hood.com.