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Jackson County4GMPT provides the links below as a resource for existing grant and funding resources.

Please email us at with other suggestions & sources.

Currently accepting applications:

Expedited Conservation Project Grant Cycle (ECP) — The Conservation Partners Legacy (CPL) Grant Program funds conservation projects that restore, enhance, or protect forests, wetlands, prairies, and habitat for fish, game, and wildlife in Minnesota. Non-competitive grants from $5,000-$50,000 with a 10% non-state match requirement and a total project cost cap of $575,000 available to local, regional, state, and national nonprofit organizations, including government entities.

Federal Recreational Trail Program — Grants between $2,500 and $200,000 will be awarded for motorized and non-motorized trail projects; maintenance/restoration of recreational trails; development/rehabilitation of recreational trail linkages or trail head facilities; environmental awareness and safety education programs, and redesign/relocation of trails to benefit/minimize the impact to the natural environment. All projects must be sponsored by a unit of government, but preference is given to projects done in cooperation with a local trail organization or that involve youth corps worker groups. A 25% cash or in-kind match is required.

Outdoor Recreation Grant Program — Grants of up to 50% of project costs (with a maximum award of $350,000) are available to local governments to increase and enhance outdoor recreation facilities in local and community parks. Park acquisition and/or development/redevelopment projects are eligible including internal park trails, picnic shelters, playgrounds, athletic facilities, boat accesses, fishing piers, swimming beaches and campgrounds. The SCORP guidelines will establish priorities for this grant program.

Natural and Scenic Area Program — Grants up to $500,000 are available to local governments for acquisition of natural and scenic land for development. The 2020-2024 State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) provides guidance on priorities. A maximum of 50% of total project costs will be reimbursed.

Local Trail Connections Grant Program — Grants ranging from $5,000 to $250,000 are available for local units of government for the acquisition or development of short trail connections between where people live and desirable locations. A 25% match is required. Priority is given to projects that provide significant connectivity.

Regional Trail Grant Program — Grants ranging from $5,000 to $300,000 are available for the development of trails in Greater Minnesota of regional or statewide significance. A 25% cash match is required.

Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund — The LCCMR’s 2025 Request for Proposal (RFP) for funding from the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund was issued on January 3, 2024. Approximately $90 million is available from the lottery-generated fund through this RFP for projects beginning July 1, 2025.

No longer accepting applications for this year/round of funding:

No Child Left Inside Grants — The program aims to support and increase efforts to expand programming that connects youth to the outdoors. Originally funded by the 2019 Minnesota Legislature with continued funding from the 2021 and 2023 legislative sessions, these grants are provided for: “outdoor environmental, ecological, and other natural-resource-based education and recreation programs serving youth.”