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Apply now for DNR Parks & Trails Grants

Over the years, the GMPT has been instrumental in successfully advocating for additional state funding for parks and trails grant programs made available by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR). Applications are now being accepted for the following grant programs: outdoor recreation, natural and scenic area, regional trail, local trail connections, and federal recreational trails. We strongly encourage you to apply!

In the past, GMPT members have received these grants to help fund innovative projects and make essential improvements to their parks and trails. These grants are designed to help local governments throughout the state create partnerships with the DNR to fund projects related to local parks, regional trails, trail connections, and more. Eligibility requirements, deadlines, contact information and other details can be found on the DNR Web site at or on the following program links:

Questions about any of the DNR’s funding opportunities can be directed to Audrey Mularie (Southern MN) at or Mai Neng Moua (Northern MN) at